Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Hi girls
If we have given you a password you would now know that we have a
writeboard JUST for friends. So lets go chat


Glammertsma said...


Glammertsma said...

but isn't that not fair to all your other fans who haven't met you face to face??.... oh thats right you have none

Glammertsma said...

well if its for your friends then why don't you just put a link in?, you dont have to put the password i can guess it

Glammertsma said...

and i know how you feel with no viewers on the web, my only viewers are my friends and you people :( but its OK cause my friends aren't mean like you people

!Topdek! said...

Maybe you should look up the word mean and then have at look at the things you say and do. If where not your friends and you think we are mean, stop viewing. Our blog is for our personal enjoyment not our so called "FANS" and no we don not want people we don't know viewing.

Glammertsma said...

Who's speaking. ? And you didn't know anything about SOPA, Must've read my blog.

Glammertsma said...

Well anyway. sorry for saying all that stuff. I'm not just a Annoying person anymore I'M A MIGHTY COOL PERSON! :D Who's now in Yr. 6 :D

Glammertsma said...

:P I know you read my blog :P

Glammertsma said...


Glammertsma said...

If I'm your friend your not mean. But naturally. "Gianluca nobody likes you." So mean.

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